

英漢字典: write off

1. cancel an entry in an account,as an unpaid and uncollectable debt 注銷;勾銷(無法收回的債)

    The debt has been written off. 債務已被一筆勾銷。

    There seems to be no hope of ever getting the money back from Harry. I think you can write it off. 看來沒有希望把錢從哈利那裡收回了,我想可以把它勾銷了。

2. reject as beyond repair 因不能修理而拋棄;報廢

    They wrote the car off. 他們報廢了那輛汽車。

    The library writes off a certain quantity of books each year. 圖書館每年都要報廢一定數量的圖書。

3. compose quickly and easily 迅速而容易地寫出;一口氣寫成

    He wrote five letters in half an hour. 他半小時寫了5封信。

4. reckon 認為;把…看作

    He was written off by his family as a failure,so they were very surprised when he passed all the exams and went to university. 家裡人都認為他沒有出息,所以,當他通過所有考試並且上了大學時,他們都驚訝不已。

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